Monday, April 25, 2011

Shadows and Light

Theaters are dying.  I don't think they will be extinct anytime soon but the fact is that going to a movie has become too expensive, and inconvenient. Why go to a movie when we can push a button and get any movie we want when we want it, with the control we crave. Movies, Film, Cinema, Motion Pictures, whatever you decide to call the communal experience of sitting in the dark please remember how special it is.

We take for granted this common medium, we talk or text or answer our smart phones, and while we do this we forget that there is magic happening before our eyes. We have all been moved by a movie or two, something pings inside of us when we experience the tale that is unfolded before us. We respond, we care, we are inspired, we are terrified, we laugh or we cry, but we respond on an emotional level. What are we responding to? It is in that question that the magic lies.  It lies in how we connect something that is literally nothing more than shadows and light dancing before our eyes.

No matter what your opinion on a movie is you are affected by it permanently. If it is a good movie, you share that with your friends, you say to them "You gotta see..." or "I loved that movie." If it is a bad movie you say "That movie sucked." or "There's two hours of my life I will never get back." Good or bad there can be no doubt that you are forever changed by the experience.

So now to my purpose for this blog.  I am writing this blog to share the experience, my experience. If you watch the clip to the left you will get a sense of what this is about.  Its about getting pie and talking about a movie after I see it. It's not going to be about judging a movie, although I will not shy away from my opinions, it is not going to be about telling you what to watch, or saying that your choice of movie is invalid. This blog will be focused on celebrating and sharing the experience we are gradually losing. I will include news stories about upcoming movies, links to my favorite film reviews, trailers, and even youtube clips of my favorite moments. There is no knowledge greater than experience, and I invite you to join me, experience the movie I like, or hate, for yourself. If you agree or disagree with something I say and it moves you to respond please feel free, and uncensored to do so.

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