You have waited and waited and here is Part 2 of my Summer Movie Preview. This segment will cover all of June. May was full of hits and only a few misses. Seeing as we have now hit the stride of the summer season hopefully they only continue to get better. Without further ado here is June 2011.
X-Men First Class
When I first heard that they were going to "re-boot" the X-men franchise, I was skeptical. Then I found out that Bryan Singer was returning to produce the film, and I felt better. Then I found out that Matthew Vaughn was coming on board to direct and I got really interested. Seeing the most recent trailer sold me on the movie. I like the idea of setting an X-Men movie within an alternate US history. I also really dig the retro look and of course it looks pretty action packed. On a side note, I heard rumor of a cameo by a certain adamantium clawed mutant, that could perhaps steal the movie, fingers crossed.
Super 8
The last line in the trailer says it all "What the hell?" Quite possibly the best kept secret of the summer no one knows exactly what this movie is about. I have heard lots of theories, and lots of ideas, but no one will actually know until June 10th when the movie is released.
I am a sucker for a good romance. This movie seems like such a great film about romantic relationships, as well as about relationships about fathers and sons. The trailer has a very Woody Allen-esque feel to it and I can see it following that style very easily. If it is anything like vintage Woody Allen it could be one of the better movies of the year.
Bad Teacher
As a teacher this movie appeals to me just because it so 100% exactly what I would love to say sometimes. This movie is the Anti Stand and Deliver, will it be as dirty and over the top as Bad Santa? There are too many what ifs to know for sure if the movie will be any good or not. But from the looks of the Restricted Red Band Trailer, it is going to be a very hard R rated film.
Green Lantern
For me this summer will be defined by how good this movie is. This is my pick for "Movie of the Summer." There is a lot riding on this movie as far as the DC universe of super heroes is concerned, and hopefully this movie delivers. From everything I have seen so far it will. Directed by Martin Campbell who is no stranger to action films, I am really looking forward to this cosmic space epic of a film.
Cars 2
I don't know if it will be good, or bad, but I am not confident in this Pixar movie. In fact I think this may be the first Pixar movie that really bombs. There are so many red flags that just spell disaster that I think people may avoid it, especially with the other quality animated films out there. Of course this is all speculation, and it could very well be something fantastic, but I just don't get that vibe.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Originally scheduled to be released on July 1st, the studio pushed its date up to June 29th earlier this week. I liked the first transformers, it was clever and cute without being to cute. The action sequences were spectacular, and it gave you exactly what you wanted from a Transformers movie, giant robots beating the hell out of each other and causing massive amounts of damage. The second Transformers film just plain sucked. The action scenes were still great, but the lack of a quality script because of the WGA strike, and the fact that they blatantly decided to accentuate the off putting aspects of the first made the second one universally hated. The trailers for this one, are fantastic, there is a paranoia aspect to the idea involving the moon race and its true motives, there is great scenes of giant robots beating the hell out of each other, and causing massive amounts of damage, oh and NO MEGAN FOX. Lets see if the trilogy goes out with a bang or a whimper
That is it for June, I am looking forward to sharing my opinions of the movies above when I see them, and hopefully you see them too so we can have good discussions about these movies and our experiences seeing them.